Touhou Border Enforcer
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux
Touhou Border Enforcer is a bullethell/roguelite Touhou fangame with the same perspective and kind of play as ZUN's official Touhou games, however has enormous tweaks to give the player real free movement and aiming, among other abilities.
The game, being part a roguelite, is easy to play yet difficult to master. Don't get discouraged if you die in your first runs.
You start with the base abilities of Reimu or Marisa + a handy teleport, but you can get abilities such as better aiming and faster shooting for now, to name a couple.
It's available both for Windows and Linux in native builds for perfect performance on both platforms.
You're welcome to leave comments and donations are appreciated for the funding of a sequel!
Until the game has all ideas from my roadmap implemented, it will keep being optionally free. However, I strongly appreciate donations via ko-fi for the time being; they have checked my project and will not take any cut from donations sent to me.
Install instructions
Run touhoumoot.exe
Run touhoumoot.AppImage
MOVE with AWSD or key arrows
Left click: AIM and SHOOT to cursor position.
Right click: Instantly teleport to cursor position.
F3= Fullscreen/windowed
Q = Immediately quit game
Almost half of the players when playing, panic and forget they can teleport, it makes collecting Power ups and surviving much easier!
Development log
- Touhou Yumei Kekkai free version last big updateMay 20, 2022
- Touhou Yumei Kekkai first big updateApr 10, 2022
- Touhou Yumei Kekkai is alive againMar 28, 2022
- Touhou Yūmei Kekkai beta 1.2Mar 06, 2020
- Touhou Yūmei Kekkai beta 1.1Feb 28, 2020
- Touhou Yūmei Kekkai beta 1.0Jan 15, 2020
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Hey, cool concept. Stumbled upon this while I was researching some stuff for my SHMUP project.
The background visuals match the trance music really nicely (I'm a sucker for shmups that use trance/dnb soundtrack btw), also for a while I thought the player shooting sound is the songs percussion lol (maybe that was intentional??).
Anyway dunno if you're still working on this, but as some feedback I'll say the teleport should have a cooldown/use some resource, maybe tie it into the gameplay/scoring a little bit like doing a bullet cancel at the place where you're teleporting from or something.
Hope you like the free movement + mouse aiming idea implemented in a Touhou game that I got back in October 2019. The game is far from completed, but the "engine" is 75% finished.
Thanks atTAMUSIC for let us use some of their soundtracks and at yummimaichi for their awesome work, both on Twitter.
Finally, thank you for giving it a try. Hopefully the game will become a novel in the Touhou series ;)